We train you in the best sales techniques, using the most advanced tools on the market (callbot, ChatGPT, LGM, Nethunt, Walaaxy, Lusha, etc.).
You work and learn alongside the best bizdevs every day.
Like them: dominate your field and join the elite!
At ReCom, you're in charge of your own development! Induction week, astonishment report, monthly one-to-one coffee with the CEO, cross-functional development, multiple levels of autonomy and seniority, training, co-development workshops, gamification of progress both collectively and individually...
We do everything to ensure that:
- you don't go round in circles
- you can play an active part in the development of a fast-growing agency
- you can grow
So take the reins of your development and create your own opportunities!
OK, we don't put on Beyoncé and Jay-Z concerts every night, and we don't have a swimming pool on the rooftop...
But we really do do everything we can to make your working day cool and fun!
Blindtest-du-mardi, goûter-du-vendredi, billiards, table soccer, ping-pong, outings and team buildings of all kinds are all part of the game!
Professional equality index: 94/100