Sales prospecting and closing for a second-hand platform


  • Converting leads into "mature leads".
  • Canvass independent shops to present the different offers proposed by the customer (advantages of installing automatic lockers or the "point relais" partnership).
  • Qualification of each prospect via validation of prerequisites communicated by the customer to check the eligibility of contacts (available surface area, electrical equipment, opening hours etc.).
  • Negotiation, reminders and closing.


ReCom has conducted a prospecting campaign to encourage the adoption of automatic lockers and/or to become a "relay" partner by independent retailers for a second-hand resale site.

Sector of activity



Chains and independent retailers

Type of campaign

Multichannel without LinkedIn 6 days / week for 1 month + 2.5 days / week Closing
A full-time equivalent offer

What we have implemented

→ 6 ReCom Business Developers specialized in prospecting and trained specifically for this mission, operating 6 days a week for a month to generate leads on two specific offers.

→ 2 Business Developers dedicated to lead generation for the closing mission.

→ Adaptation of reporting to include customer-specific KPIs.

→ Processing 500 to 1000 leads per week, with a target of 70 to 80 calls per day per Business Developer, focusing on the conversion rates achieved.

→ Implementation of a customized sales pitch based on contacts' familiarity with the online sales platform and the locker concept, highlighting the benefits of this device for retailers.

→ Performance analysis via CRM, including restitution of contact data and call results to facilitate follow-up actions.

→ Regular check-ins to report on actions taken, analyze KPIs, and suggest ways of optimizing the campaign.

See our offers
Results Achieved
on the
first months of prospecting




Positive contacts
Qualified appointments
Arguments contacts
What if you were to become our next case study? 

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