Multi-channel prospecting: 56 appointments in 27 days for Pay Concept


- Develop Pay Concept's customer portfolio in France by leveraging its expertise in payroll management and personnel administration

- Qualification of prospects according to pre-established criteria.

- Obtain qualified appointments with key decision-makers in targeted sectors to present their offer and answer their specific questions.


Pay Concept's objective was to develop its customer portfolio in France by highlighting its expertise in payroll management and personnel administration. The campaign aimed to secure qualified appointments with key decision-makers in the targeted sectors to present their offering and their payroll management software.

Sector of activity

Payroll and personnel administration.


HR directors, payroll managers and managing directors of companies with between 20 and 500 employees.

Type of campaign

Multichannel 1 day/week

What we have implemented

→ Constitution and enrichment of the database using our callbot to overqualify the file before the prospecting phase.

→ Telephone prospecting by a dedicated business developer.

→ Sales Automation campaign with targeted contacts.

→ Alternating telephone calls and micro-mailings for direct contact.

→ Personalized contact with decision-makers via LinkedIn.

→ Qualification of prospects and their potential payroll and personnel administration needs.

→ Monitoring and updating the contact file for effective lead management and prioritization.

→ Analysis of contacts, workforce and regions to optimize prospecting.

→ Regular monitoring and strategic adjustment points.

See our offers
Results Achieved
on the
first months of prospecting




Positive contacts
Qualified appointments
Arguments contacts
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