- Develop Pay Concept's customer portfolio in France by leveraging its expertise in payroll management and personnel administration
- Qualification of prospects according to pre-established criteria.
- Obtain qualified appointments with key decision-makers in targeted sectors to present their offer and answer their specific questions.
→ Constitution and enrichment of the database using our callbot to overqualify the file before the prospecting phase.
→ Telephone prospecting by a dedicated business developer.
→ Sales Automation campaign with targeted contacts.
→ Alternating telephone calls and micro-mailings for direct contact.
→ Personalized contact with decision-makers via LinkedIn.
→ Qualification of prospects and their potential payroll and personnel administration needs.
→ Monitoring and updating the contact file for effective lead management and prioritization.
→ Analysis of contacts, workforce and regions to optimize prospecting.
→ Regular monitoring and strategic adjustment points.